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Titanic Project

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There were 218 (~52%) passengers that boarded the ship with 3rd class ticket, 107 (~26%) with the 1st class ticket and 93 (~22%) with the 22nd class ticket.
266 passengers were male and 152 females that is; ~64% and ~36% respectively. In other words, they were more male passengers than female.
From the given data, I observed 327 registered ages and 86 missing ages. In order to capture all the registered ages, I manipulated the data using a measure of Centre by filling the missing ages with the
average age. From my analysis, there were more passengers between the ages of 20-39years (~66%) and lesser passengers that is; 14 (~3%) passengers are >60 years old
From my analysis of the dataset, there were 135 passengers whose siblings were aboard the ship; of all the passengers who had siblings aboard the ship, ~81% (110) of them had one (1) sibling aboard the
The total, average, maximum, and minimum fare prices were £14856.54, £35.63, £512.33 and £3.17 respectively. However, I discovered that 3 passengers did not pay their fare.
Passengers embarked on the ship from three (3) locations namely, Cherbourg, Queenstown, and Southampton. 270 passengers went aboard the ship at Port Southampton, 102 at Port Queenstown and
46 at port Cherbourg. Cherbourg port had the least passengers while Southampton had the most passengers.
From my analysis, they were 50 females and 57 males who used the 1st class ticket, 30 females and 63 males who used the 2nd class ticket, and finally, 72 females and 146 males used the 3rd class ticket.

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